SUSTAINABILITY is a word we do not take lightly. We strive for a world where ‘at home at sea’ is not a luxury of our time, but a standard for generations to come as we join the United Nations’ sustainable development goals and embrace our natural playground with love and care. Monitoring our impact on the environment with ships running on Marine diesel Oil, reducing plastic waste via our in continuous development single-use plastic reduction plan, and adhering to stringent policies on garbage management; are some of the practical ways we do so, but that is just the beginning.
Our guiding principle is not only to avoid leaving a footprint, but to positively impact the areas we visit; and we cordially invite our guests to join hands with us and the local communities as we get involved and bring positive impact. The natural playground graciously offered by the sea is yours to discover on board our floating homes.
'Indonesia is the worst I've seen' – meet the cruise captain who is tackling plastic, one beach at a time
Back in 1949 following the war, our founder Diogenis Venetopoulos -a historian turned tour guide- had a vision to share the world on board small wooden boats, through his eyes. In similar fashion to the pioneer that he was, sustainability was at the core of his vision, as the digital revolution was well underway. Variety Cruises -Zeus Tours at the time- was the first small boat company to share the history of the Greek Islands with its guests. As we enter the 3rd generation of leadership we remain commmitted to our promise as pioneers of sustainability, becoming the first cruise line and travel service at sea to join TOURISM DECLARES.
We have been focused on our sustainability goals for over half a century, but to be able to join an organization that supervises and connects like-minded organizations with the common goal of lowering carbon emmisions was a no-brainer for us. The time, energy, and resources invested are positively outweighed by the benefits of the mission. So, we decided to publicly declare TOURISM DECLERES CLIMATE EMERGENCY not only as a follower, but as a leader within the cruise-industry, paving the way with our efforts.
We hereby commit to developing a practical and elaborate 12 month plan that will guide the way for lowering carbon emmisions -while remaining commited to our additional sustainability intiiatives including no single use plastic- that will hopefully shed the light for other small ship cruise lines and eventually large cruise ship lines as well.
We look forward to joining forces as we take the next steps in monitoring our impact on the environment with ships running on Marine diesel oil, reducing plastic waste via our single use plastic reduction plan, and further developing our beach clean-up intiatives, while adhering to the stringest policies on garbage management; all in all developing a concise plan that will lower carbon emmissions and provide a platform for other cruise lines to follow suit.
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